Thursday, December 20, 2007

Cinnamon Palmiers

For my holiday baking this year I made up a batch of Cinnamon Palmiers from Gourmet Magazine December 2007.

I was pressed for time and used store bought puff pastry. I cheated! I know but what can I do when a 1 year old is constantly pulling down my pants. Seriously. And he leaves toy landmines around the kitchen just waiting for me to step on and drop the hot cookie sheet so he can eat the delicious sugary treat.

The store bought cheat worked out beautifully but next time I'm making them all from scratch as puff pastry is easy, just time consuming.

1 comment:

Shaheen said...

These look so nice! :)

I have never made things with puff pastry dough because it's not easily available here.. But this pic makes me want to make it on my own. I'm only worried about it turning out drastically different from the flaky pastry that you get from the ready made dough...